
Praise, Pray and Persevere; Strengthening Church Community Globally Through Mobile Application

Praise, Pray and Persevere; Strengthening Church Community Globally Through Mobile Application Business Situation In the tech-era where mobile apps have become a potent platform to [...]
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Good Deeds Pay

Encouraging Good Deeds Through Unique Social Media Platform That Rewards Kindness

Encouraging Good Deeds Through Unique Social Media Platform That Rewards Kindness Business Situation Any act of kindness or good deed is very powerful that must [...]
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Mobile Lab Builds Platform for Church Community to Bind & Loose

Mobile Lab Builds Platform for Church Community to Bind & Loose Introduction In the tech-era where mobile apps  has become a potent platform to stay [...]
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corporate workplace

Workspace Collaboration | NGO

Solution Build a Networking site where the communities of a specific organization spread in different corner of the world can link together, update each other […]

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